Ghost writing on X and curating High Signal indie news 📢

User pic of John McTavish
John McTavish
Oct 04, 2024
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Real talk on the world of bootstrapping, writing and entrepreneurship with this week’s guest Pete 🤝

Welcome to new episode of Ship It and Sip It 🍻

If you're keen on building a business around a newsletter, directory, community or just curious about making a living outside the traditional 9-to-5, this episode is for you!

Pete shares his journey from a pretty crap job in a bookies to making over $2,500 by his third month of indie hacking.

Pete prefers crafting and selling products over coding for large companies, discussed the importance of finding demand and iterating on existing ideas to create better versions.

Drawing from his experience, he emphasized the value of routine in content creation, likening it to the consistency of TV shows like "Friends" and "The X-Files."

Pete recently revamped the landing page for High Signal, a newsletter that curates the best indie hacker and bootstrap news. The update, which includes testimonials from notable founders, has significantly boosted sign-ups.

He advocates for a minimalist approach to landing pages, focusing on a single call to action to reduce distractions and increase conversion rates.

The conversation also delved into Pete's transition from coding to writing and marketing, a shift he attributes to his desire to share stories of self-taught developers through his website, No CS Degree.

After quitting a challenging job in a betting shop, Pete set a goal to earn $1,000 a month within six months. By the third month, he was already earning $2,500, validating his decision to pursue indie hacking full-time.

Pete's choice of platforms, particularly Twitter, was guided by the presence of the indie hacker community. Despite changes in the platform, he believes Twitter remains a valuable space for tech enthusiasts and founders. As a ghostwriter, Pete manages multiple client accounts, focusing on creating engaging content and helping clients grow their audiences.

Reflecting on his past projects, Pete shared his decision to focus on newsletters over podcasts due to the ease of content creation and monetization.

He acknowledged the challenges of podcasting, such as editing and maintaining engaging audio content.

Overall, Pete's journey demonstrates the power of adaptability, consistency, and community engagement in building a successful indie business.

His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to carve their niche in the digital landscape.

Ghost writing on X and curating High Signal indie news 📢

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